
Post 2. Parents Embracing Technology

My Dad just texted me:

"I know you're enjoying the company of a lady friend, anything serious?"

I think he means my girlfriend. Or a courtesan I've hired. Hard to tell.

Yes, I have been courting [Jane Smith] for some time now. I reckon I may ask her to accompany me to the Ice Cream Social next month.

It's weird to get texts from parents and see them on Facebook. There was an understood boundary a few years ago - young people played with computers, their parents didn't understand how they work. It's the natural order of things. But now, technology has become so user-friendly, you can't keep anyone out. It's like being a fan of Nirvana in 1991 and then your mom asking you, "what's this "lights out" song I keep hearing? It reminds me of Blue Cheer".

Whatever that is.

I bet this is how 13 year olds feel about me being on Twitter.

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